
Harvey Delery

Technical Leader, Engineering

Harvey Delery, Technical Leader is a 14 year veteran of Cisco Systems. Mr. Delery is currently the Technical Leader for the CMX Mobile SDK. He originally started at CIsco in Network Management of routers/switches. He then lead the URT (User Registration Tool) product. Followed soon after with a variety of projects in AAA and NAM (Network Analysis Module). Mr. Delery then started in wireless with WLSE (Wireless LAN Solution Engine). Then lead features in WCS (Wireless Control Systems), NCS (Network Control System), PI (Prime Infrastructure, and finally MSE (Mobility Services Engine). While in wireless he has lead a variety of features from Voice, High Availability, Dashboard, Charts, MESH and now CMX Mobile SDK. Mr. Delery holds a Computer Engineering degree from Tulane.



June 24, 2014


Are you up for the CMX topcoder Challenge?

Cisco CMX Mobility Developer Challenge is under way at topcoder. CMX Mobile Application SDK can be leveraged in a mobile application to provide indoor location and navigation for users. The SDK will connect with the CMX Mobile App Server to determine a user’s location, downloading maps, venues, poin…